Wednesday, June 8, 2011

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  • sdrblr
    08-22 04:31 PM
    I believe there are very few left before April 1st 2004. EB2 I was stuck at April 1st 2004 for a long time and never moved from that date (excluding 2-3 times for a month or two when2006 people got approved). There will be lot of people from first half of 2004.

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  • styrum
    01-23 11:47 AM
    Thank you for contacting me regarding the immigration debate in the
    U.S. Senate. It was good to hear from you.

    As you know, in the 109th Congress, the Senate considered changes to
    immigration law. These efforts would affect more than just undocumented
    workers here in the United States � it would affect every American in
    one way or another.

    I supported the bipartisan Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of
    2006, S. 2611, when it was considered in the Senate during the 109th
    Congress. This bill would have provided many new provisions for border
    security and enforcement and to address legal and illegal immigration. The
    legislation would have provided funding to reinforce hundreds of miles
    of existing border fences and establish a �virtual fence� comprised
    of cameras, sensors, automated aerial surveillance tools, and other
    security measures. The bill would also have authorized funding for
    additional Customs and Border Patrol agents to assist with security efforts,
    and required employers to have a system to verify the required
    documentation from potential workers. S. 2611 would have increased the number
    of visas for high-skilled workers, including those who have earned an
    advanced degree. Finally, the bill would not have allowed for amnesty,
    but it would have provided a meaningful way to address the legal status
    of undocumented workers who currently live in our country.

    Under the Senate proposal, undocumented workers could have earned legal
    status after completing all the requirements to begin to adjust their
    legal status. These requirements include filing an application, payment
    of all fines, fees, and back federal income taxes, and providing proof
    of being physically present in the United States and being employed for
    five years prior to the bill�s enactment. Undocumented workers must
    then continue to show proof of employment and being present for at
    least six years after the bill would have gone into effect. Individuals
    must also demonstrate basic citizenship skills, pass security and law
    enforcement requirements, and complete Selective Service registration

    As you may know, the comprehensive immigration bill passed the Senate
    on a bipartisan vote with the support of the White House. The House of
    Representatives passed another version of immigration reform that
    emphasized enforcement only. Instead of meeting in conference to negotiate
    differences in the respective bills, the House held a series of public
    hearings around the country, and refused to meet with Senate
    negotiators, and the 109th Congress ended without this issue being addressed.

    I believe that we need a comprehensive approach to immigration reform.
    Enforcement is important, and securing our borders is important. But
    if we focus only on enforcement and border security, then we will only
    have addressed part of the problem. Many of the current proposals are
    unworkable and would ultimately cause more harm to our economy and our
    country. Our immigration policy should also provide positive change for
    the future of our country. We should make sure our actions reflect our
    security, our economy, and the opportunity that America has offered for
    generations of immigrants.

    As we move forward to the 110th Congress, please know that I will keep
    your thoughts in mind as Congress begins to work on immigration reform.
    If you would like to know more about my work in the Senate, please
    visit my website at

    Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.
    Please keep in touch.


    Patty Murray
    United States Senator

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  • hemanth22
    07-06 06:54 AM
    the dollar has already fallen 15% and you havent seen the indian economy collapsing or the indian IT companies stock values coming down drastically here and in india

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  • jnraajan
    03-20 04:46 PM
    How many of you support this idea ?

    Rally in DC in the morning and Fasting till 5PM in front of the capitol.

    I brought up this fasting idea a few days back, but never gathered much support.


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  • solaris27
    01-29 09:19 AM
    1. Can USCIS deny 485 solely due to lack of BC/NABC ? if yes then What are the chances of denial ? No chance - i did for me and got GC .

    2. If the officer does not think that consulate BC is enough, will they deny 485 or issue another RFE? consulate BC is NOT enough .

    3. Do you know anyone whose 485 was denied simply for no BC/NABC reason?


    4. My 485 was (wrongfully) denied few months ago when my ex revoked the approved I-140, could this affect the future processing of the case -vely (i hope not) ? no

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  • snathan
    07-10 12:47 PM

    I got the standard RFE
    1) End date in client letter
    2) EE relationship
    3) show project validity till h extension requested( 3 years)

    RFE response to be received on or before July 10 2010

    With all problems from vendor and client i was able to get letters but my lawyer sent the packet on July 9 and when I was tracking the status it says that UPS due to some unforeseen reason will now deliver this packet on 7/12 ..2 days after deadline, the packet has sent date 7/9 and was marked next day AIR

    My question is

    ) Am I screwed in this case and my H1 is gone. current H1 period expires 07/15
    2) Or will USCIS will accept the respnse since it was posted before on 7/9

    I am so mad at my lawyer but looks like H1 is gone and I have to pack my belongings ...

    any advice please

    It might be possible. Otherwise you can go for appeal if the approval goes south.


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  • EADchallenged
    03-23 12:24 PM

    I dont know what you guys think about the competing bills - Frist and Specter, but I get the feeling that the Frist bill which does not include any of the Illegal immigration amnesty provisions but does contain almost everything you would want for EB immigration better serves our purpose.

    The Specter Bill with the Guest Worker Program even if it passes the Senate will not pass the hardline conservative Congress - which could mean that all our EB provisions also get scuttled. Hence, I think it is in our best interest if the Comprehensive Immigration Bill (Specter) does not see the light of the day on the 27th. I would desist from urging the Judiciary committe from trying to make the deadline.

    What do you guys think

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  • saileshdude
    02-17 05:01 PM
    As far as I remember , there was an FAQ somewhere in USCIS website that mentioned that they will not ask for 2nd FP again. I may be wrong but I think I had seen it somewhere and this also discussed in some thread on this site.


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  • InTheMoment
    03-01 10:34 PM
    That is right. If it is feasible go for it. Also, what do you mean by residency for ur wife..medical one ?

    In either case she can always come here for interviews on a B2 visitor, I know people who have done/doing it for medical residency.

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  • Munna Bhai
    07-10 10:01 AM
    I'm not from India, can I come ???


    Come to india, trust me you will enjoy the life...easy to get work visa.


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  • meridiani.planum
    06-27 01:42 PM
    Hi All

    Just came accross the following information as posted by the uscis latest newsletter...

    If I am filing for a replacement EAD under 8 C.F.R., Section 274.a.12(c) (9), how long is the EAD valid?

    If an individual requests to replace an EAD that has not expired, USCIS will issue a replacement EAD that is valid through the same date as the previously issued EAD. However, if the previous EAD has expired, USCIS will process the request for a renewal EAD and determine the appropriate validity period based on the Department of State Visa Bulletin and the applicant�s priority date.If USCIS determines that an applicant has filed multiple Forms I-765, the agency may deny the applications for the replacement or renewal EAD.

    source: Latest USCIS Monthly Newsletter
    Link available via

    Dos this mean that to get 2 yead EAD we have to file for an extension after the current EAD expires ???

    can you please put a question mark at the end of the line when your subject is a question instead of a statement? Looking at this link I thought USCIS came out with some new regulation!

    replacement EADs are always issued for the term of the original EAD, so this is no news. If you lose your current one year EAD, and file a new one, its expiry will be same as this one. If you lose a 2 year EAD, its replacement will be granted with the same expiry as the old one, so 2 years.

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  • maddipati1
    12-11 02:06 PM

    read page 3&4 in the instructions for I-131 in the link below

    it clearly says ur AP app. is considered abandoned if u leave US before approval of AP.

    > getting H4 VISA stamped
    > apply for a new AP ( not sure if its possible while u r outside, do some research, may be possible, read the instructions above thoroughly)

    better get a legal advice.

    cool down man, show some compassion to the bro. i agree its a novice question. but not every one is as knowledgeable as you. dont need to be harsh. seems like u know so much, his question looks silly, pl. give him a better advice.

    We applied for EAD and Adv parole renewal on July 2nd for my wife. Her new EAD card was received in September and no word on the Adv Parole yet. Online status still shows 'case received and pending'.
    She had her previos Adv Parole expiring on Oct 22nd. She left to India on Oct 1st. Now that her previous Adv Parole has expired and new one still not approved, will they allow her to enter US?



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  • Libra
    09-15 10:21 PM

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  • BECsufferer
    07-01 07:07 PM

    My mom's a Gynecologist. She got her MBBS and MS from India in 1978. She has been working in India since then.

    How can she start practicing in the United States? I have absolutely NO idea. I have heard about the USMLE Exam, but is it necessary for a person with 25+ years of experience? Will she have to do her medical-residency AGAIN?

    Please advise.

    OBGyn is generally 4 yr residency and knid of competitive these days. And yes u have to clear Step 1 and 2 definitly.

    Had u been from middle eastern country, Hurley Medical Center in Flint would have been easy to go program. And if you are from certain part of India ( I'll give Satyam as hint ;)) , Synergy in Saginaw, MI would have been #1 choice.

    No offense to anyone, so lets keep peace. :cool:


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  • Libra
    11-15 02:08 PM
    bumping the thread.....anyone out there to join MN state chapter?

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  • anilsal
    06-24 10:05 AM
    Think just getting marriage license is not sufficient. The license is a precursor to marriage (and as far as I know there is a particular time period after license to get married in a church, personal ceremony or court).

    I do not feel that getting married in the US is a problem. You get the license and then you can get married at a court the next day. It is called a "Civil Marriage".

    I know of people who have done this in the past and have got GCs.


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  • hariswaminathan
    06-21 11:52 PM
    Got this from the Chennai US consulate website.
    I apologise if this info is old - i had never heard of the US consulate issueing "B1 in lieu of H1" visa.

    B-1 in Lieu of H
    Any person holding a B1 or B1/B2 visa may be eligible to perform H-1B work in the United States as long as they fulfill the following criteria:

    Hold the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor�s degree
    Plan to perform H-1B-caliber work or training
    Will be paid only by their foreign employer, except reimbursement of incidental travel costs such as housing and per diem. The employee must not receive any salary from a U.S. source.
    The task can be accomplished in a short period of time.
    These travelers would be admitted as B1 visitors, and may only stay in the U.S. for the time allotted by the Department of Homeland Security upon entry.

    Like any other B1/B2 applicant, travelers must still show strong professional, familial and financial or other ties, which indicate a strong inducement to return to the country of origin or another country other than the United States.

    Consulate General Chennai is prepared to issue B1/B2 visas to qualified applicants for this purpose. These visas may also be used for tourism. Current holders of B1/B2 visas may already use this provision without seeking another visa.

    When seeking a visa for this purpose, please clearly explain this in the applicant�s BEP cover letter.

    If the applicant and employer so chooses, they may also apply for a more limited B1 visa with the annotation �B-1 in lieu of H.� These visas may not be used for pleasure travel.

    The Customs and Border Patrol agents at Ports of Entry are aware of this provision. If asked at the border, applicants are advised to explain completely their purpose of travel and that they will not be paid from sources based in the United States. Travelers are encouraged to carry a letter from their host company and Indian employer listing the traveler�s duties, length of stay and remuneration plans.

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  • stucklabor
    03-16 12:38 PM
    I am confused stucklabor. I thought that labor decided ur job qualifications etc. I mean when i applied for my I-140 (i did not file concurrently btw). I was asked more info regarding my company and all of the company documents. I wasnt being sarcastic or anything i am just trying to understand what is going on.

    Eb3_nepa, you should probably read the "Green Card process and problems" FAQ.

    In addition, when in my post I said "you" I didn't mean you personally. It was a general "you". And that was an example, not directed at your situation personally since I have no idea about your situation.

    In labor cert, the company only advertises for an American for the job that is being proposed to be given to the foreigner. It also does include the foreigner's resume to a certain degree, but in general, the foreign worker's qualifications only get examined at I140. So a labor cert could be filed that is very tailored so that the chances of an American being qualified for the job is 0.01%. Then the foreign worker has to prove that he/she is qualified for the job. I140 also is the stage where USCIS also satisfies itself that the job is a standard job, not a made up job that will exclude most Americans. So all this happens at the 140 stage. Meanwhile, someone who wants to file a 485 can do it concurrently and get EAD and AP. They can even file a second labor cert at their own time and do things the right way. So the possibilities of fraud exist. USCIS has to balance quick processing vs diligent processing.

    So anyway, read the report. The report doesn't say anything about mismanagement or corruption at USCIS.

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  • masterji
    07-21 08:21 PM
    I am in H1 and filed for 485 and EAD, AP. Still have my H1B visa in my passport. Does getting EAD mean you are no more in H1? Or you really have to USE it to be out of H1.

    09-04 06:41 AM
    any pickups from Queens area or Manhattan???

    also can someone give link to something that can be printed like a flyer re: rally on 18th?

    I live in Queens - will do something about it. Lets stay connected.

    12-05 04:30 PM
    I think H1b will last more month this time than past 3 years. And lawmakers will think its not right time to increase.

    I spoke to 1-2 relatives who are having consulting business and they told me they are reducing work force.. ( Not lay off but not interested to hire more and more h1b in this slow economy ) ....

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